SKU: 72
Price: 9,90 €
7,92 €
Qty.: - +

A wonderful combination of sandalwood, mandarin and musk! A mystical scent that fits every home!

Weight: 235g (34,04€/1000g)

Burntime: 55-60h

Ingredients: 100% soy wax

  • The first time to burn a candle is always the most important. In order for the candle to burn evenly, burning the first time let the top of the candle nicely melt – this will ensure that the candle melts evenly to the bottom of the glass.

  • Do not burn the candle consecutively for more than 4 hours.
  • Always cut the candle wick 0.5 cm long before the next burning. Cutting the candle wick ensures clean combustion, and the candle will not soot.

  • Always keep a burning candle at a safe distance from children and animals!
  • Do not burn a candle on or near flammable materials!
  • Never leave a burning candle unattended!
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Fresh pomelo, pink grapefruit and sparkling wine form an alluring, feminine and refreshing blend! Simply enchanting and irresistible!


Weight: 235g (34,04€/1000g)

Burntime: 55-60h

Ingredients: 100% soy wax

  • The first time to burn a candle is always the most important. In order for the candle to burn evenly, burning the first time let the top of the candle nicely melt – this will ensure that the candle melts evenly to the bottom of the glass.

  • Do not burn the candle consecutively for more than 4 hours.
  • Always cut the candle wick 0.5 cm long before the next burning. Cutting the candle wick ensures clean combustion, and the candle will not soot.
  • Always keep a burning candle at a safe distance from children and animals!
  • Do not burn a candle on or near flammable materials!
  • Never leave a burning candle unattended!


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Sour rhubarb and freshly picked strawberries together have a springy and slightly sweet effect – like a dream!


Weight: 235g (34,04€/1000g)

Burntime: 55-60h

Ingredients: 100% soy wax

  • The first time to burn a candle is always the most important. In order for the candle to burn evenly, burning the first time let the top of the candle nicely melt – this will ensure that the candle melts evenly to the bottom of the glass.

  • Do not burn the candle consecutively for more than 4 hours.
  • Always cut the candle wick 0.5 cm long before the next burning. Cutting the candle wick ensures clean combustion, and the candle will not soot.
  • Always keep a burning candle at a safe distance from children and animals!
  • Do not burn a candle on or near flammable materials!
  • Never leave a burning candle unattended!
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9,90 €

Fresh and berry aroma that creates a cozy atmosphere in any home. Rich berry pleasure!


Weight: 235g (34,04€/1000g)

Burntime: 55-60h

Ingredients: 100% soy wax

  • The first time to burn a candle is always the most important. In order for the candle to burn evenly, burning the first time let the top of the candle nicely melt – this will ensure that the candle melts evenly to the bottom of the glass.

  • Do not burn the candle consecutively for more than 4 hours.
  • Always cut the candle wick 0.5 cm long before the next burning. Cutting the candle wick ensures clean combustion, and the candle will not soot.
  • Always keep a burning candle at a safe distance from children and animals!
  • Do not burn a candle on or near flammable materials!
  • Never leave a burning candle unattended!



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Pehme ja vürtsikas aroomide bukett.Tunda on rikkalikku mustsõstart ja mahlast ploomi. Vürtsikust lisavad roos, nelk, roosa pipar ja liilia. Soojust annavad sandlipuu ja seedripuu.

Kaal: 235g (34,04€/1000g)

Põlemisaeg: 55-60h

Koostis: 100% sojavaha



  • Esimene küünla põletamise kord on alati kõige olulisem. Selleks, et küünal põleks ühtlaselt, laske esimesel korral küünla pealispinnal ilusasti sulada – see tagab küünla ühtlase sulamise klaasi põhjani. 
  • Ärge põletage küünalt järjest üle 4 tunni. 
  • Lõigake alati küünla taht enne järgmist põletamist 0,5cm pikkuseks. Küünla tahi lõikamine tagab puhta põlemise ning küünal ei hakka tahmama.
  • Hoidke põlevat küünalt laste ja loomade eest ohutus kauguses!
  • Ärge põletage küünalt tuleohtlike materjalide peal või läheduses!
  • Ärge jätke kunagi põlevat küünalt järelvalveta!
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9,90 €

Looking for something sweet and fresh? Aroma of frozen berris mixed with spiciness of orange peel. This combination is irresistibleand suitable for enjoying of any time of the year!

Weight: 235g (34,04€/1000g)

Burntime: 55-60h

Ingredients: 100% soy wax

  • The first time to burn a candle is always the most important. In order for the candle to burn evenly, burning the first time let the top of the candle nicely melt – this will ensure that the candle melts evenly to the bottom of the glass.

  • Do not burn the candle consecutively for more than 4 hours.
  • Always cut the candle wick 0.5 cm long before the next burning. Cutting the candle wick ensures clean combustion, and the candle will not soot.

  • Always keep a burning candle at a safe distance from children and animals!
  • Do not burn a candle on or near flammable materials!
  • Never leave a burning candle unattended!
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